When Albert Land Guthrie (26), of no fixed address, pleaded guilty at Barnsley to-day to charges of burglary at the GirlsÕ High School and the Grammar School, Mr. Herbert Smith, the Yorkshire minersÕ president, who was the presiding magistrate, addressing the prisoner, said, ÒYou have already been convicted on ten charges, and there are three to-day and eight more to be taken into consideration.Ó Mr. Smith was proceeding to say, ÒYou seem to be determined to carry on this business,Ó when Guthrie interjected, ÒYes, sir. It is my profession.Ó He was committed for trial at the Quarter Sessions. Henry John Biggs, a miner, of Summer Lane, Barnsley, who was charged with receiving a number of the articles stolen, was sent to prison for six months. Biggs told the magistrates he merely hid the articles for Guthrie.